The demo version of WH40k: Space Marine became available on Augfor PC and Xbox 360, and Augfor PS3. The video game was released in U.S on September 6, 2011, and it is a third-person action role-playing game developed by Relic Entertainment. Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine players should be aware that the cheating method described below works only on PC, and its not compatible with Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine for Xbox 360 or Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine for PlayStation 3. Using the trainer, players can get unlimited fury, ammo, shield and health points. The guide explains where to find a free trainer that can be used in the game, how to install it, and how to activate its functions that act like cheat codes. I would prefer to stick with Space Marines for now, I don't have as much time as I did so something like adding Orks and Tyranids would take me awhile with my current schedule.The following tutorial and game guide, teaches players how to cheat the PC version of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (also known as WH40k: Space Marine). Ontop of the balancing I am also looking for suggestions for content. This might be too much? Not sure about it though the armour is extremely good so you should have to work for it. Needed I will update the beta to add in the high grade variants, but obvioulsy those would be extremely strong and very OP.Ĭurrently in my private build I have the armor and weapons being crafted as top tier research with Leviathan Pearls and steel. The weapons are low grade to help you guys figure out what would be too strong. The Adeptus Astartes race might be too strong, but they are a space marine so they kinda have to be. I really want to know what you guys think! Space Marines are supposed to be OP, but I still want to hear the feedback I will most likely balance them around how the community feels.

There is also a custom race the Adeptus Astartes. All of this comes in a Blood Raven color scheme and a Black Templar Color scheme for now. Everything can be accesed through a multitude of custom starts.Everything will be craftable and will possibly exist in the world, but for now it is just going to be custom starts once I get some feedback on balancing and how things should be added into the world/crafted it will be added.Ĭurrently in the mod is a basic set of Space Marine armour and an "Advanced" set of Space Marine armour (Just something I through together.) a Chainsword, Powersword, and a Bolter. For the beta none of the weapons or armour are craftable. This is the beta release of my Warhammer 40k mod, it adds a little bit of the 40k universe into the world of Kenshi.