While initially appearing as a nice girl, she eventually claimed she had an epiphany which made her discover that she and all of her friends were in a game, drastically changing her attitude towards the other girls. She is also the Literature Club's president, as well as one of the main characters of the game. Monika is a character in the visual novel Doki Doki Literature Club!. Through most of the game her speech is conveyed through text with no voice, but during the song " Your Reality", she was voiced by Jillian Ashcraft. Motivated by her jealousy of the other characters for having a more dominant romantic role with the player and by a desire to escape the mental torture she endures within the void when the game is turned off, she manipulates the game's programming in an attempt to romance the player themselves. She is a character in a dating simulator game, who gains self-awareness and the ability to manipulate the reality of the game itself.

Monika (in Japanese: モニカ) is the main antagonist of the 2017 visual novel Doki Doki Literature Club!, serving as the overarching antagonist of Act 1, the overarching-turned-final antagonist of Act 2, the main antagonist of Act 3 and the deuteragonist of Act 4. ~ Monika after being deleted by the player. Do you just want to torture me? Watch me suffer? Were you only pretending to be kind, just to hurt me even more? I never thought anyone could be as horrible as you are. I sacrificed everything for us to be together. Did you do this to me? DID YOU? DID YOU DELETE ME? How could you? How could you do this to me? You were all I had left.