Fixed paint preview not working for Mann Co.Fixed a bug that caused team color paints to appear to be coming out of the wrong cans for the store icons.Fixed a problem with the application of team-colored paints.Fixed a display issue with team color paints.Changed spelling of Zeph aniah's Greed to Zeph eniah's Greed.Fixed a problem with team paints not being displayed properly when playing.Fixed painted items that stay on ragdolls losing their custom color upon their owner's death.Added paints: An Air of Debonair, Balaclavas Are Forever, Cream Spirit, Operators Overalls, The Value of Teamwork, and Waterlogged Lab Coat.Fixed bug where DirectX 8 users could not view painted items.Added paints: Pink as Hell, A Color Similar to Slate, Drably Olive, The Bitter Taste of Defeat and Lime, The Color of a Gentlemann's Business Pants and Dark Salmon Injustice.Fixed an issue where team-colored hats were showing up improperly when previewing the Team Spirit paint on them.

Added message for DirectX 8 users on painted hats that paint will not display correctly on their system.Orange, Muskelmannbraun, Noble Hatter's Violet, Peculiarly Drab Tincture, Radigan Conagher Brown, Ye Olde Rustic Colour, Zephaniah's Greed, An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge, and A Distinctive Lack of Hue. Added paints: A Deep Commitment to Purple, Aged Moustache Grey, Australium Gold, Color No.† Indicates an item that is set for paint to be applied, but the ability is disabled. Painting Set can be used to receive up to three single-color paints. However, the paint used on the item will not be returned to the player. Paint can be removed from an item to restore it to its default color by selecting the item in the Backpack and clicking 'Restore'. Items painted with single-color paints retain the appearance of one color regardless of the player's team, whereas a team-colored paint will switch between RED and BLU variant colors. Two types of Paint Cans exist single-colored and team-colored. Painting Set, or acquired through either the Trading or Steam Community Market systems. Supply Crates, receiving as a bonus item when opening cases, using a Mann Co. Store, found via the item drop system, obtained by opening certain Mann Co. Paint Cans are available in 29 different colors, and can either be purchased from the Mann Co. The Paint Can is a tool that allows players to change the coloring of most cosmetic items.